
"I am Infinite." -Me

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Dream's Right Here..

Here's the sweet and condensed can of milk for everyone: I want to build an MMO, but there's a lot of problems that go along with it.
  1. High Cost. Just typing it in the main page of Google shows about $50M, plus server cost. Now, I don't know how accurate that is, or if that figure will remain relevant, but the takeaway is that it's millions of dollars initially, plus thousands of dollars monthly to support servers, if one aims to make a good MMO. Free made ones where you spend chump change or less on a server may not make a great game, but it's FREE, even if it takes decades to make.. NO.
  2. Standards. Essentially, different people, different standards. Hard to make the perfect game when there's a lot of different wants and needs.
  3. Saturation. This speaks for itself. There's at least half a dozen really well made MMOs out there, and a few dozen in total of varying qualities. 
  4. Competition. This goes along with Saturation, but the idea is that I want to be as good as WoW or SWTOR or GW2, etc., etc.. Any bigger named titles, and certainly more to come.
  5. Dedication. What makes anything really succeed in life? Dedication! I'm dedicated to this idea, because it's something I am passionate about. Not everyone is though, and it's harder to get people on board with MY idea alone. Doesn't mean I don't have any support of varying degrees, but I'm feeling very alone on journey to this.
  6. Content. At least every week, if not daily, I refine or innovate or apply a new idea to my concept game. This makes for a lot of content to put in. But the more I add, the more work it'll take, and the more crowded the game could potentially become. 
  7. Time and Experience. I've never made a single video game before. I've never programmed anything. But I have this vision, so even if I could lead a group of developers and programmers and techs into the fray of the gaming world, I lack the experience needed to guide everything properly. The other issue is time, which I lack to educate myself properly, since I'm applying myself to work to sustain myself, and to educate myself in geneds at college. Not too mention, the longer I have this put off, the less of a reality it may become. I'm battling the clock.
  8. Vision. I touched on this point lightly in number 5, but the main idea is that a lot of games I feel lack a vision. They just make a game that has a direction, but where does it end, and what is it you really want from it? The second part to it is that from reading about a player-base insight is that there is a lot of cynicism for good MMOs. They lack the vision of seeing a new fresh idea come out anytime soon. That leads me to point three; I'm feeling alone. I have a good sister to support me, but I really have no one that believes in me, or they do so halfheartedly. When I ask my close friends if they'll want to play, they ALWAYS tell me they probably won't have time. I understand that it may be true, but for Heaven's sake you could at least say you'd try. Just ducking out and dodging my game based on what you may do in your future doesn't help me. I feel like it's being avoided like the plague, more than just a concern of time to be quite honest. So thanks a lot for having some genuine hope in my vision. 
All in all, it's not what I'm giving up on. If you're curious about it, ask me. If you want to support me in any way, please do so. I'm not asking for anything though. Just that you'd read and consider your dreams and goals. Mine's right here, so wish me luck on it.

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