
"I am Infinite." -Me

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Am I Confessing Sins and Soul Here? Really?

Why does this blog thing feel like we must confess our sins and soul here? Really now, I enjoyed what I did with the stories, but obviously I wasn't getting too many likes on my blogging, so like the superficial hypocrite weener that I really am (and God knows I hate to admit it. . .), I'm moving that elsewhere, and otherwise putting it on hiatus.

More to the point. 87% of the blogs/blogposts I've been reading don't really fascinate me anymore. I'm just gonna say it. I wanna give more Grand Slams!! because the GS! just doesn't cut if for me now, and at the same time, I feel like I've been reading one big loop of blogs. Sadness, depression, broken hearts, suicide, silence, our innermost feelings! We all will know each other soon enough, and for some reason, it doesn't bother anyone that what we are saying may be very true and personal and we may have just given out too much info.

That is to say, it's like I'm reading too much of who we are, and not so much what we want to be. I want to dream big, and I already do, even to a fault. I imagined I would come here and be some blog-star that everyone ran to. I can cope with crushing realities, believe you me. What I can't stand is the repetition of negativity that we seem to celebrate, and that comes from who we are.

I just don't want to have to spill out what is dark or even personal inside to get something in return. If I hadn't said this before, I'll say it now: I've given so much for almost nothing in return. I suppose I'm just asking for something a little different.

Maybe I need to change first . . .


  1. wow, um, I guess I've never thought of it that way, thanks for the Enlightenment. There really is a sort of lack of contempt amongst the blogers

  2. This was freaking incredible.

    So REAL. And so HONEST.


    This is good stuff.

    I admire you for your opinion and for sharing this. Thank you!
